


New Gebser edition in the Chronos Verlag

Since the end of 2013, the complete edition of Gebser’s works published by Novalis Verlag is no longer available and will not be reprinted. At the same time a new annotated Gebser series will be launched by Chronos Verlag (Zurich) to replace the complete edition. In 2015, Gebser’s principal work «Ursprung und Gegenwart» (Origin and Presence) has already been published anew, followed 2016 by «Lass mir diese, meine Stimme» > more
We are delighted to have found in Chronos Verlag such a renowned and solid partner.

In the name of the Jean Gebser Gesellschaft, we are hereby requesting contributions in support of the new Gebser series from all interested  individuals. In parallel, we are also soliciting grants from appropriate foundations. Our experience so far has indicated, however, that it will not be easy to secure the necessary financial support through this latter channel. We would therefore be grateful if as many individuals as possible could decide to donate, 100.– CHF / Euros or more to support the publication of this new Gebser edition.

Please send donations to the account of the Jean Gebser Gesellschaft:

Jean Gebser Gesellschaft JGG
Post Konto: 82-17771-0
IBAN: CH28 0900 0000 8201 7771 0

Rudolf Hämmerli

> Deutsch


